Stormtrooper Corps Specialization - Procedures

Tracking Sheet

Procedural Notes

1. On initial implementation of the program, waivers can be given for advanced specialties on a case by case basis. The requesting squad leader should send a request for waivers to their command authority; platoon leader or above. Future waivers will be considered only after a trooper has been placed in an active squad and has should great ability and contributions to the VEA as a whole.

For example: if a trooper would like to become a sharpshooter, they should already be in place in a squad as a heavy weapons specialist for a duration of at least six weeks. This should also correspond with a competition in which the trooper showed adept ability in their role as a heavy gunner or presented other reasons to qualify for a waiver. In this way, waivers can be used as another form of reward for excellent activity.

2. Promotion to officer ranks does not supercede training. In fact, aside from an Officer Development Course (to be completed in the future), all officers will receive the same training as line troopers.

3. Squad transfers may occasionally interfere with a training process. Should this occur, the trooper can be given the option to cancel training already in progress if said training does not fit in with their new squad's mission. If this is the case, the time spent cannot be used should that training begin at a later date. In addition, should the trooper opt to complete training, this is protected and permitted provided the training is 6 weeks from completion.

In addition, waivered troopers who have completed more than half of the time in basic training at one specialty will have the advanced part of their training halved and used as completed training before being able to begin basic skills training in their new specialty.

For example: a trooper in a 12 week basic skills training program is waived at move to an advanced specialty at week 9, their basic skills program will be considered completed. However, before beginning the basic skills in the new specialty, the advanced training in the previous specialty must be completed at half time (8 weeks for a 16 week full training program). The trooper can begin to use their new specialty but will be subject to mishaps and unskilled performance until basic skills training can be started.

4. As for rolling out the specialties, each squad leader will handle the management of the tracking forms for his troopers. Each trooper can maintain their own sheet and on occasion, request a viewing of the official sheet maintained by the squad leader. Each platoon leader will maintain their staff and squad leaders' sheets, and so on up the chain of command.

When a member is transferred, their Tracking Form will be sent to the new squad leader by the existing one.

When a member is AWOLed, retired, or placed in the reserves; their tracking form will be sent to the Executive Officer of the Army for storage.